9-4-1203. Division -- Functions. (1) In addition to any other functions the governor or Legislature may assign:
(a) the division shall:
(i) provide a clearinghouse of information for federal, state, and local housing assistanceprograms;
(ii) establish, in cooperation with political subdivisions, model plans and managementmethods to encourage or provide for the development of affordable housing that may be adoptedby political subdivisions by reference;
(iii) undertake, in cooperation with political subdivisions, a realistic assessment ofproblems relating to housing needs, such as:
(A) inadequate supply of dwellings;
(B) substandard dwellings; and
(C) inability of medium and low income families to obtain adequate housing;
(iv) provide the information obtained under Subsection (1)(a)(iii) to:
(A) political subdivisions;
(B) real estate developers;
(C) builders;
(D) lending institutions;
(E) affordable housing advocates; and
(F) others having use for the information;
(v) advise political subdivisions of serious housing problems existing within theirjurisdiction that require concerted public action for solution; and
(vi) assist political subdivisions in defining housing objectives and in preparing foradoption a plan of action covering a five-year period designed to accomplish housing objectiveswithin their jurisdiction; and
(b) within legislative appropriations, the division may accept for and on behalf of, andbind the state to, any federal housing or homeless program in which the state is invited, permitted,or authorized to participate in the distribution, disbursement, or administration of any funds orservice advanced, offered, or contributed in whole or in part by the federal government.
(2) The administration of any federal housing program in which the state is invited,permitted, or authorized to participate in distribution, disbursement or administration of funds orservices, except those administered by the Utah Housing Corporation, is governed by Sections
9-4-701 through
Amended by Chapter 159, 2002 General Session