9-4-1402. Definitions. As used in this part:
(1) "Community action agency" means a local subdivision of the state, a combination ofpolitical subdivisions, a separate public agency, or a private nonprofit agency which has theauthority under its applicable charter or laws to receive funds to support community actionactivities and other appropriate measures designed to identify and deal with the causes of povertyin the state, and which is designated as a community action agency by federal law, federalregulations, or the governor.
(2) "Community action program budget" means state funds, federal block grants, andfederal categorical grants that are received by the state for community action activities.
(3) "Community action statewide organization" means community action programs,organized on a statewide basis, to enhance the capability of community action agencies.
(4) "Community Services Block Grant" means the Federal Community Services BlockGrant Act, 42 U.S.C. 9901 et seq., and any corresponding federal regulations.
(5) "Local share" means cash or in-kind goods and services donated to a communityaction agency to carry out its responsibilities.
(6) "Low-income person" means a person who is a member of a household with a grossannual income equal to or less than 125% of the poverty standard accepted by the federal agencydesignated to establish poverty guidelines.
(7) "Office" means the State Community Services Office created in Section
(8) "Service area" means the geographical area within the jurisdiction of a communityaction agency or a community action statewide organization.
Enacted by Chapter 286, 2000 General Session