9-4-607. Disclosure of interest in project -- Restrictions. (1) Any commissioner, officer, or employee of an authority, who has voluntarily acquiredany of the following interests, shall disclose to the commissioners of the authority, as soon as hehas knowledge of the interest, the nature and extent of the interest:
(a) any present or future interest, direct or indirect, in any project;
(b) any present or future interest, direct or indirect, in any property included in or plannedto be included in any project;
(c) any contract or proposed contract relating to any project; or
(d) any other transaction or agreement with the authority.
(2) The commissioners shall enter the particulars of the disclosure into the minutes of theauthority.
(3) After a disclosure of interest, the commissioner, officer, or employee may participatein any discussions concerning proposed authority action on the property, contract, transaction, oragreement in which he has an interest, but the commissioner, officer, or employee may not voteon any such action proposed by the authority.
(4) Commissioners, officers, and employees of an authority are not "public officers" forpurposes of the Utah Public Officers' and Employees' Ethics Act, Title 67, Chapter 16.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 241, 1992 General Session