9-4-618. Bonds authorized -- Payment -- Security -- Liability -- Purpose --Exemption from taxes except corporate franchise tax. (1) An authority may:
(a) issue bonds from time to time for any of its corporate purposes;
(b) issue refunding bonds for the purpose of paying or retiring bonds previously issued byit;
(c) issue bonds on which the principal and interest are payable:
(i) exclusively from the income and revenues of the project financed with the proceeds ofthe bonds;
(ii) exclusively from the income and revenues of certain designated projects, whether ornot they are financed in whole or in part with the proceeds of the bonds; or
(iii) from its revenues generally.
(2) Any bonds issued by the authority may be additionally secured by a pledge of anyloan, grant, or contributions, in whole or in part, from the federal government or other source, or apledge of any income or revenues of the authority.
(3) The members of an authority and any person executing the bonds are not liablepersonally on the bonds.
(4) The bonds and other obligations of an authority are not a debt of the city, county,state, or any political subdivision, and do not constitute indebtedness for purposes of anyconstitutional or statutory debt limitation or restrictions. This shall be stated on the face of thebonds and other obligations.
(5) The city, county, state, or political subdivision is not liable on the bonds or otherobligations.
(6) These bonds or obligations may not be payable out of any funds or properties otherthan those of the authority.
(7) Bonds of an authority are declared to be issued for an essential public andgovernmental purpose and to be public instrumentalities and, together with interest and income,are exempt from all taxes, except the corporate franchise tax.
(8) The provisions of this part exempting from taxation the properties of an authority andits bonds and interests and income on them shall be considered part of the contract for the securityof bonds and have the force of contract, by virtue of this part and without the necessity of thisbeing restated in the bonds, between the bondholders, including all transferees of the bonds, onthe one hand and an authority and the state on the other.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 241, 1992 General Session