9-4-922. Act not restriction on powers of corporation -- Construed as alternative --Bonds, notes, obligations issued need not comply with other laws. (1) This part and its contents is not or may not be construed as a restriction or limitationupon any other powers which the corporation might otherwise have under any other law of thisstate, and this part is cumulative to those powers.
(2) This part does and shall be construed to provide a complete, additional, andalternative method for the doing of the things authorized in this part and shall be regarded assupplemental and additional to powers conferred by other laws.
(3) The issuance of bonds, notes, and other obligations under the provisions of this partneed not comply with the requirements of any other state law applicable to the issuance of bonds,notes, and other obligations.
(4) Proceedings, notice, or approval are not required for the issuance of any bonds, notes,and other obligations or any instrument as security therefor, except as provided in this part.
Amended by Chapter 319, 2001 General Session