9-6-205. Board powers and duties. (1) The board may:
(a) make, amend, or repeal rules for the conduct of its business in governing the instituteand the division in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act;
(b) receive gifts, bequests, and property; and
(c) issue certificates and offer and confer prizes, certificates, and awards for works of artand achievement in the arts.
(2) The board shall make policy for the institute and for the division.
(3) (a) By September 30 of each year, the board shall prepare and submit a request to thegovernor and the Legislature for prioritized capital facilities grants to be awarded to eligibleindividuals and organizations under this part and Parts 3 through 5.
(b) The board shall prepare a list of the requested capital facilities grants in a prioritizedorder and include a written explanation of:
(i) the total grant amount requested in the list; and
(ii) the basis of its prioritization of requested grants on the list.
(c) The board shall accept applications for capital facilities grants through June 1 of eachyear, prior to compiling and submitting its yearly request to the governor and the Legislatureunder Subsection (3)(a).
Amended by Chapter 111, 2010 General Session