9-6-403. Definitions. As used in this part:
(1) "Artist" means a practitioner in the visual arts, generally recognized by critics and theartist's peers as a professional who is committed to producing high quality work on a regularbasis, and who is not the project architect or a member of the project's architectural firm.
(2) "Acquired or constructed" means acquired, constructed, reconstructed, restored,enlarged, improved, renovated, repaired, replaced, equipped, or furnished in whole or in part withstate funds.
(3) "Contracting agency" means the state agency which is responsible for supervising theprincipal user of a state building or facility.
(4) "Principal user" means the department, board, commission, institution, or agency ofthe state for the principal use of which a state building or facility is acquired or constructed.
(5) "Program" means the Percent-for-Art Program created in this part.
(6) "Project" means the project whereby state buildings or facilities are acquired orconstructed.
(7) (a) "State building or facility" means a state building, permanent structure, facility,park, or appurtenant structure thereof, wholly or partially enclosed, which includes, but is notrestricted to a space or facility used or to be used for carrying out the functions of a department,board, commission, institution, or agency of the state, including offices, hearing or meetingrooms, auditoriums, libraries, courtrooms, classrooms, workshops, laboratories, eating orsleeping facilities, or highway rest areas.
(b) "State building or facility" does not include motor pools, heating plants, sheds,sewers, parking lots, bridges, highways, or buildings used solely for storage or warehousing.
(8) "Work of art" or "works of art" means any form of original creation of visual artincluding, but not restricted to any sculpture, bas relief, high relief, mobile, fountain, painting,graphic, print, lithograph, etching, embossing, drawing, mural, mosaic, supergraphic, fresco,photograph, ceramic, fiber, mixed media, or combination of forms.
Amended by Chapter 4, 1993 General Session