9-6-405. Procedures, guidelines, and rules. (1) The division shall follow these guidelines in administering the program:
(a) Works of art shall be acquired under the program for use only with respect to thosebuildings or facilities that the division determines have significant public use or access,especially where the design and technical construction of the building or facility lend themselvesto works of art. All funds set aside and administered by the program from appropriations for anystate building or facility of which any part is obtained from the issuance of bonds shall be usedonly to acquire works of art that will be placed in or at, and remain a part of, that building orfacility, to the extent necessary to preserve the federal income tax exemption otherwise allowedfor interest paid on the bonds.
(b) The goal of the division in administering the program is to fairly distribute works ofart throughout the various social, economic, and geographic communities of the state.
(c) The division shall give first preference to Utah artists, and to artists from other stateswhich have similar percent-for-art programs and demonstrate a reciprocal preference for Utahartists.
(d) The division shall involve the director of the Division of Facilities Construction andManagement, or the director's designee, and the project architect in the process of screening orselecting works of art or artists to create works of art for each project and shall involve in thatprocess representatives from the project's principal user or contracting agency, the community inwhich the project is located, and the art profession. The project's principal user or contractingagency shall have representation at least equal to any other entity on the selection committee, asdesignated by the project's president or director. Any selection and placement of art shall be by amajority decision of the user agency representatives on the committee and a majority decision ofthe entire committee. The selection and placement shall be approved by the president or directorof the principal user.
(e) Any relocation of art placed under this program shall be done with the participationfrom the division and the Division of Facilities Construction and Management and with approvalfrom the president or director of the principal user.
(f) The costs of administering the program and conserving and maintaining all works ofart placed under the program are limited to 15% of the funds deposited in the UtahPercent-for-Art Account.
(2) The division shall adopt procedures, guidelines, and rules as necessary to implementthis chapter and administer the program.
Amended by Chapter 378, 2010 General Session