9-6-409. Rights of artist commissioned by program. An artist who is commissioned by the program to create a work of art has the followingrights with respect to that work of art:
(1) all rights secured to the artist under federal copyright laws;
(2) the right to claim authorship of the work of art;
(3) the right to photographic reproduction of the work of art;
(4) the right of first refusal:
(a) to conduct all repair and conservation work on the work of art in accordance withaccepted principles of professional conservation; and
(b) to purchase the work of art if the state decides to sell it; and
(5) the right to deny further association of the artist's name with or authorship of the workof art if conservation or repair work is done by a person other than the artist, which in the opinionof the artist damages its integrity.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 241, 1992 General Session