9-6-603. Duties of office. (1) The office shall:
(a) recommend to the Museum Services Advisory Board:
(i) policies regarding:
(A) a grants program; and
(B) the equitable dissemination of office technical assistance; and
(ii) guidelines for determining eligibility for office grants;
(b) advise state and local government agencies and employees regarding museum relatedissues, including museum capital development projects;
(c) provide to Utah museums technical advice and information about sources of directtechnical assistance;
(d) assist and advise Utah museums in locating sources of training for their museum staffmembers;
(e) develop and coordinate programs, workshops, seminars, and similar activitiesdesigned to provide training for staff members of Utah museums;
(f) undertake scholarly research as necessary to understand the training needs of themuseum community and to assess how those needs could best be met;
(g) administer a state Museum Grant Program to assist eligible Utah museums; and
(h) establish a program by January 1, 2009, by rule, creating a certified local museumdesignation, including any provisions necessary to ensure public confidence in charitablesolicitation undertaken by a certified local museum.
(2) (a) For a pass-through funding grant of at least $25,000, the office shall makequarterly disbursements to the pass-through funding grant recipient, contingent upon the officereceiving a quarterly progress report from the pass-through grant recipient.
(b) The office shall:
(i) provide the pass-through grant recipient with a progress report form for the reportingpurposes of Subsection (2)(a); and
(ii) include reporting requirement instructions with the form.
Amended by Chapter 111, 2010 General Session