9-6-605. Board -- Duties. (1) The board is the policymaking body for the office.
(2) The board shall, in consultation with the director of the office:
(a) set policies and, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah AdministrativeRulemaking Act, make rules governing:
(i) the office grants program; and
(ii) the awarding of grants to assist Utah's eligible museums; and
(b) set eligibility guidelines for grants administered through the office.
(3) (a) By September 30 of each year, the board shall prepare and submit a request to thegovernor and the Legislature for prioritized capital facilities grants to be awarded to eligiblemuseums under this part.
(b) The board shall prepare a list of the requested capital facilities grants in a prioritizedorder and include a written explanation of:
(i) the total grant amount requested in the list; and
(ii) the basis of its prioritization of requested grants on the list.
(c) The board shall accept applications for capital facilities grants through June 1 of eachyear, prior to compiling and submitting its yearly request to the governor and the Legislatureunder Subsection (3)(a).
Amended by Chapter 111, 2010 General Session