9-6-704. State-Owned Art Collections Inventory Program Committee --Membership -- Chair -- Expenses -- Duties. (1) There is created within the division the State-Owned Art Collections InventoryCommittee.
(2) The committee consists of seven members who shall be experts in one or more aspectof the program as follows:
(a) the director of the Utah Museum of Fine Arts, or a designee;
(b) the director of the Utah Arts Council, or a designee;
(c) the director of the Division of Risk Management, or a designee;
(d) the director of the Utah Academic Library Consortium, or a designee;
(e) the director of the Utah State Archives and Records Service, or a designee;
(f) the director of the Division of Facilities Construction and Management; and
(g) a member of the public with expertise in the area of web site or database design andadministration appointed by the other members of the committee to serve at the pleasure of thecommittee.
(3) (a) The committee shall annually elect a chairperson from its membership.
(b) (i) The committee shall hold meetings as needed to carry out its duties.
(ii) A meeting may be held on the call of the chair or a majority of the committeemembers.
(c) Four committee members are necessary to constitute a quorum at any meeting and, ifa quorum exists, the action of a majority of members present shall be the action of thecommittee.
(4) A committee member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member'sservice, but may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
(a) Section
(b) Section
63A-3-107; and
(c) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections
63A-3-106 and
(5) The division shall provide staff support to the committee.
(6) The funding of the committee shall be a separate line item to the division in theannual appropriations act.
(7) The committee shall:
(a) advise the division on the design and implementation of the inventory study program;
(b) monitor, advise, and make recommendations to the division to promote and ensurethe efficient and effective plan for the inventory study program; and
(c) study promoting collaborative efforts to develop public awareness, public schoolcurriculum, and teacher training materials on the provisions of the program.
Amended by Chapter 286, 2010 General Session