9-7-203. Division duties. (1) The division shall:
(a) establish, operate, and maintain a state publications collection, a digital library ofstate publications, a bibliographic control system, and depositories as provided in this part;
(b) cooperate with:
(i) other agencies to facilitate public access to government information throughelectronic networks or other means;
(ii) other state or national libraries or library agencies; and
(iii) the federal government or agencies in accepting federal aid whether in the form offunds or otherwise;
(c) receive bequests, gifts, and endowments of money and deposit the funds with thestate treasurer to be placed in the State Library Donation Fund, which funds shall be held for thepurpose, if any, specifically directed by the donor; and
(d) receive bequests, gifts, and endowments of property to be held, used, or disposed of,as directed by the donor, with the approval of the Division of Finance.
(2) (a) For a pass-through funding grant of at least $25,000, the division shall makequarterly disbursements to the pass-through funding grant recipient, contingent upon the divisionreceiving a quarterly progress report from the pass-through grant recipient.
(b) The division shall:
(i) provide the pass-through grant recipient with a progress report form for the reportingpurposes of Subsection (2)(a); and
(ii) include reporting requirement instructions with the form.
Amended by Chapter 111, 2010 General Session