9-7-207. Deposit of state publications. (1) (a) Each state agency and political subdivision publishing a digital version of a statepublication shall deposit a digital copy with the division.
(b) Each state agency and political subdivision shall deposit with the division copies ofeach state publication that it elects to publish in a physical format in the numbers specified by thestate librarian.
(c) The division shall forward two copies of each state publication published in aphysical format deposited with it by a state agency to the Library of Congress, one copy to thestate archivist, at least one copy to each depository library, and retain two copies.
(2) Each state agency or political subdivision shall deposit with the division a digitalcopy of each audio and video publication or recording issued by it for bibliographic listing andretention in the digital library.
(3) Each state agency or political subdivision shall deposit with the division copies ofaudio and video publications or recordings issued by it in physical formats in the numbersspecified by the state librarian for bibliographic listing and retention in the state librarycollection.
(4) (a) The division shall publish or make available to the public through electronicnetworks a list of state agency publications.
(b) The list shall be published periodically and distributed to depository libraries and thestate archivist.
(5) Materials the division considers not to be of major public interest will be listed, butno copies will be required for deposit.
Amended by Chapter 81, 2006 General Session