9-7-404. Board powers and duties -- Library fund deposits and disbursements. (1) The library board of directors may, with the approval of the city governing body:
(a) have control of the expenditure of the library fund, of construction, lease, or sale oflibrary buildings and land, and of the operation and care of the library; and
(b) purchase, lease, or sell land, and purchase, lease, erect, or sell buildings for thebenefit of the library.
(2) The board shall:
(a) maintain and care for the library;
(b) establish policies for its operation; and
(c) in general, carry out the spirit and intent of the provisions of this part.
(3) All tax money received for the library shall be deposited in the city treasury to thecredit of the library fund, and may not be used for any purpose except that of the city library. These funds shall be drawn upon by the authorized officers of the city upon presentation of theproperly authenticated vouchers of the library board. All money collected by the library shall bedeposited to the credit of the library fund.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 241, 1992 General Session