9-7-502. Library board of directors -- Expenses. (1) (a) When the county legislative body decides to establish and maintain a county publiclibrary under the provisions of this part, the county executive shall, with the advice and consent ofthe county legislative body, appoint a library board of not less than five and not more than ninedirectors chosen from the citizens of the county and based upon their fitness for the office.
(b) When increasing membership on an existing library board, the county legislativebody:
(i) may not add more than two positions in any year; and
(ii) when adding members, shall ensure that the terms of library board members arestaggered so that approximately 1/4 of the board is selected each year.
(2) Only one member of the county legislative body may be, at any one time, a memberof the board.
(3) Each director shall serve without compensation, but the actual and necessary expensesincurred in the performance of the director's official duties may be paid from library funds.
Amended by Chapter 45, 1994 General Session