9-7-504. Library board duties -- Library fund deposits. (1) The library board of directors shall, with the approval of the county executive and inaccordance with county ordinances, policies, and procedures:
(a) be responsible for:
(i) the expenditure of the library fund;
(ii) the construction, lease, or sale of library buildings and land; and
(iii) the operation and care of the library; and
(b) purchase, lease, or sell land, and purchase, lease, construct, or sell buildings, for thebenefit of the library.
(2) The board has those powers and duties as prescribed by county ordinance, includingestablishing policies for collections and information resources that are consistent with state andfederal law.
(3) (a) All tax money received for the library shall be deposited in the county treasury tothe credit of the library fund, and may not be used for any purpose except that of the countylibrary.
(b) All money collected by the library shall be deposited to the credit of the library fund.
Amended by Chapter 378, 2010 General Session