9-7-507. Librarian and other personnel. (1) (a) The library board of directors shall recommend to the county executive forappointment a competent person to serve as librarian.
(b) The county executive shall, within 30 days of the recommendation, either make theappointment or request that the board submit another recommendation.
(c) The librarian shall be an employee of the county subject to the personnel policies,procedures, and compensation plans approved by the county executive and county legislativebody.
(d) The librarian shall act as the executive officer for the library board.
(2) (a) All library personnel are employees of the county.
(b) The librarian or the librarian's designee shall hire library personnel in accordancewith the county merit system, personnel policies and procedures, and compensation plansapproved by the county executive and county legislative body.
(3) As used in this section "librarian" means the county library director.
Amended by Chapter 47, 2003 General Session