9-8-203. Division duties. (1) The division shall:
(a) stimulate research, study, and activity in the field of Utah history and related history;
(b) maintain a specialized history library;
(c) mark and preserve historic sites, areas, and remains;
(d) collect, preserve, and administer historical records relating to the history of Utah;
(e) administer, collect, preserve, document, interpret, develop, and exhibit historicalartifacts, documentary materials, and other objects relating to the history of Utah for educationaland cultural purposes;
(f) edit and publish historical records;
(g) cooperate with local, state, and federal agencies and schools and museums to providecoordinated and organized activities for the collection, documentation, preservation,interpretation, and exhibition of historical artifacts related to the state;
(h) provide grants and technical assistance as necessary and appropriate; and
(i) comply with the procedures and requirements of Title 63G, Chapter 4, AdministrativeProcedures Act, in its adjudicative proceedings.
(2) The division may acquire or produce reproductions of historical artifacts anddocumentary materials for educational and cultural use.
(3) To promote an appreciation of Utah history and to increase heritage tourism in thestate, the division shall:
(a) (i) create and maintain an inventory of all historic markers and monuments that areaccessible to the public throughout the state;
(ii) enter into cooperative agreements with other groups and organizations to collect andmaintain the information needed for the inventory;
(iii) encourage the use of volunteers to help collect the information and to maintain theinventory;
(iv) publicize the information in the inventory in a variety of forms and media, especiallyto encourage Utah citizens and tourists to visit the markers and monuments;
(v) work with public and private landowners, heritage organizations, and volunteergroups to help maintain, repair, and landscape around the markers and monuments; and
(vi) make the inventory available upon request to all other public and private history andheritage organizations, tourism organizations and businesses, and others;
(b) (i) create and maintain an inventory of all active and inactive cemeteries throughoutthe state;
(ii) enter into cooperative agreements with local governments and other groups andorganizations to collect and maintain the information needed for the inventory;
(iii) encourage the use of volunteers to help collect the information and to maintain theinventory;
(iv) encourage cemetery owners to create and maintain geographic information systemsto record burial sites and encourage volunteers to do so for inactive and small historic cemeteries;
(v) publicize the information in the inventory in a variety of forms and media, especiallyto encourage Utah citizens to participate in the care and upkeep of historic cemeteries;
(vi) work with public and private cemeteries, heritage organizations, genealogicalgroups, and volunteer groups to help maintain, repair, and landscape cemeteries, grave sites, andtombstones; and
(vii) make the inventory available upon request to all other public and private history andheritage organizations, tourism organizations and businesses, and others; and
(c) (i) create and maintain a computerized record of cemeteries and burial locations in astate-coordinated and publicly accessible information system;
(ii) gather information for the information system created and maintained underSubsection (3)(c)(i) by providing matching grants, upon approval by the board, to:
(A) municipal cemeteries;
(B) cemetery maintenance districts;
(C) endowment care cemeteries;
(D) private nonprofit cemeteries;
(E) genealogical associations; and
(F) other nonprofit groups with an interest in cemeteries; and
(iii) adopt rules, pursuant to Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,for granting matching funds under Subsection (3)(c)(ii) to assure that:
(A) professional standards are met; and
(B) projects are cost effective.
(4) (a) For a pass-through funding grant of at least $25,000, the division shall makequarterly disbursements to the pass-through funding grant recipient, contingent upon the divisionreceiving a quarterly progress report from the pass-through grant recipient.
(b) The division shall:
(i) provide the pass-through grant recipient with a progress report form for the reportingpurposes of Subsection (4)(a); and
(ii) include reporting requirement instructions with the form.
(5) This chapter may not be construed to authorize the division to acquire by purchaseany historical artifacts, documentary materials, or specimens that are restricted from sale byfederal law or the laws of any state, territory, or foreign nation.
Amended by Chapter 111, 2010 General Session