9-8-207. Historical Society -- Donations -- Accounting. (1) (a) There is created the Utah State Historical Society.
(b) The society may:
(i) solicit memberships from persons interested in the work of the society and charge duesfor memberships commensurate with the advantages of membership and the needs of the society;and
(ii) receive gifts, donations, bequests, devises, and endowments of money or property,which shall then become the property of the state of Utah.
(2) If the donor directs that money or property donated under Subsection (1)(b)(ii) beused in a specified manner, then the division shall use it in accordance with these directions. Otherwise, all donated money and the proceeds from donated property, together with the chargesrealized from society memberships, shall be deposited in the General Fund as restricted revenueof the society.
(3) The division shall keep a correct account of funds and property received, held, ordisbursed by the society, and shall make reports to the governor as in the case of other stateinstitutions.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 241, 1992 General Session