9-8-302. Definitions. As used in this part and Part 4, Historic Sites:
(1) "Agency" means a department, division, office, bureau, board, commission, or otheradministrative unit of the state.
(2) "Ancient human remains" means all or part of the following that are historic orprehistoric:
(a) a physical individual; and
(b) any object on or attached to the physical individual that is placed on or attached to thephysical individual as part of the death rite or ceremony of a culture.
(3) "Antiquities Section" means the Antiquities Section of the Division of State Historycreated in Section
(4) "Archaeological resources" means all material remains and their associations,recoverable or discoverable through excavation or survey, that provide information pertaining tothe historic or prehistoric peoples of the state.
(5) "Collection" means a specimen and the associated records documenting the specimenand its recovery.
(6) "Curation" means management and care of collections according to standardprofessional museum practice, which may include inventorying, accessioning, labeling,cataloging, identifying, evaluating, documenting, storing, maintaining, periodically inspecting,cleaning, stabilizing, conserving, exhibiting, exchanging, or otherwise disposing of originalcollections or reproductions, and providing access to and facilities for studying collections.
(7) "Curation facility" is defined as provided in Section
(8) "Division" means the Division of State History created in Section
(9) "Excavate" means the recovery of archaeological resources.
(10) "Historic property" means any prehistoric or historic district, site, building,structure, or specimen included in, or eligible for inclusion in, the National Register of HistoricPlaces or the State Register.
(11) "Indian tribe" means a tribe, band, nation, or other organized group or community ofIndians that is recognized as eligible for the special programs and services provided by theUnited States to Indians because of their status as Indians.
(12) "Museum" means the Utah Museum of Natural History.
(13) (a) "Nonfederal land" means land in the state that is not owned, controlled, or heldin trust by the federal government.
(b) "Nonfederal land" includes:
(i) land owned or controlled by:
(A) the state;
(B) a county, city, or town;
(C) an Indian tribe, if the land is not held in trust by the United States for the Indian tribeor the Indian tribe's members; or
(D) a person other than the federal government; or
(ii) school and institutional trust lands.
(14) "Principal investigator" means the individual with overall administrativeresponsibility for the survey or excavation project authorized by the permit.
(15) "Repository" is defined as provided in Section
(16) "School and institutional trust lands" are those properties defined in Section
(17) "Site" means any petroglyphs, pictographs, structural remains, or geographiclocation that is the source of archaeological resources or specimens.
(18) "Specimen" means all man-made artifacts and remains of an archaeological oranthropological nature found on or below the surface of the earth, excluding structural remains.
(19) "State historic preservation officer" means that position mentioned in 16 U.S.C. Sec.470a, as amended.
(20) (a) "State land" means land owned by the state including the state's:
(i) legislative and judicial branches;
(ii) departments, divisions, agencies, boards, commissions, councils, and committees;and
(iii) institutions of higher education as defined under Section 53B-3-102.
(b) "State land" does not include:
(i) land owned by a political subdivision of the state;
(ii) land owned by a school district;
(iii) private land; or
(iv) school and institutional trust lands.
(21) "Survey" means a surface investigation for archaeological resources that mayinclude:
(a) insubstantial surface collection of archaeological resources; and
(b) limited subsurface testing that disturbs no more of a site than is necessary todetermine the nature and extent of the archaeological resources or whether the site is a historicproperty.
Amended by Chapter 231, 2007 General Session