9-8-304. Antiquities Section created -- Duties. (1) There is created within the division the Antiquities Section.
(2) The Antiquities Section shall:
(a) promote research, study, and activities in the field of antiquities;
(b) assist with the marking, protection, and preservation of sites;
(c) assist with the collection, preservation, and administration of specimens until thespecimens are placed in a repository or curation facility;
(d) provide advice on the protection and orderly development of archaeologicalresources, and in doing so confer with the Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office if requested;
(e) assist with the excavation, retrieval, and proper care of ancient human remainsdiscovered on nonfederal lands in accordance with:
(i) Section
(ii) Section
(iii) Subsection
76-9-704(3); and
(iv) federal law;
(f) collect and administer site survey and excavation records;
(g) edit and publish antiquities records;
(h) inform the state historic preservation officer in writing about any request for adviceor consultation from an agency or an agency's agent; and
(i) employ an archaeologist meeting the requirements of 36 C.F.R. 61.4.
(3) The Antiquities Section shall cooperate with local, state, and federal agencies and allinterested persons to achieve the purposes of this part and Part 4, Historic Sites.
(4) Before performing the duties specified in Subsections (2)(a) through (e), theAntiquities Section shall obtain permission from the landowner.
Amended by Chapter 231, 2007 General Session