retrieval of the ancient human remains.
(iv) An appeal under this Subsection (1)(c) may not be the cause for the delay of theexcavation and retrieval of the ancient human remains.
(v) A decision and appeal under this Subsection (1)(c) is exempt from Title 63G, Chapter4, Administrative Procedures Act.
(d) A person that owns or controls nonfederal land that is not state land may engage in orpermit others to engage in activities in the area of the discovery without violating this part orSection 76-9-704 if once notified of the discovery of ancient human remains on the nonfederalland, the person:
(i) consents to the Antiquities Section excavating and retrieving the ancient humanremains; and
(ii) engages in or permits others to engage in activities in the area of the discovery onlyafter:
(A) the day on which the Antiquities Section removes the ancient human remains fromthe nonfederal land; or
(B) the time period described in Subsection (1)(b)(ii)(B).
(2) A person that owns or controls nonfederal land that is not state land may not berequired to pay any costs incurred by the state associated with the ancient human remains,including costs associated with the costs of the:
(a) discovery of ancient human remains;
(b) excavation or retrieval of ancient human remains; or
(c) determination of ownership or disposition of ancient human remains.
(3) For nonfederal land that is not state land, nothing in this section limits or prohibitsthe Antiquities Section and a person who owns or controls the nonfederal land from entering intoan agreement addressing the ancient human remains that allows for different terms than thoseprovided in this section.
(4) The ownership and control of ancient human remains that are the ancient humanremains of a Native American shall be determined in accordance with Chapter 9, Part 4, NativeAmerican Grave Protection and Repatriation Act:
(a) if the ancient human remains are in possession of the state;
(b) if the ancient human remains are not known to have been discovered on lands owned,controlled, or held in trust by the federal government; and
(c) regardless of when the ancient human remains are discovered.
(5) This section:
(a) does not apply to ancient human remains that are subject to the provisions andprocedures of:
(i) federal law; or
(ii) Part 4, Historic Sites; and
(b) does not modify any property rights of a person that owns or controls nonfederal landexcept as to the ownership of the ancient human remains.
(6) The division, Antiquities Section, or Division of Indian Affairs may not make rulesthat impose any requirement on a person who discovers ancient human remains or who owns orcontrols nonfederal land that is not state land on which ancient human remains are discoveredthat is not expressly provided for in this section.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session