9-9-203. Acceptance or rejection of cession of state jurisdiction -- Proclamation bygovernor. (1) If the governor receives a resolution signed by the majority of any tribe, tribal council,or other governing body duly recognized by the Bureau of Indian Affairs of any tribe,community, band or group in the state certifying the results of a special election expressly cedingcriminal or civil jurisdiction of the Indian tribe, community, band, or group or its lands or anyportion thereof to the state of Utah within the limits authorized by federal law, he shall eitheraccept or reject the cession of jurisdiction within 60 days.
(2) If the governor accepts jurisdiction, he shall issue a proclamation within 60 days tothe effect that civil or criminal jurisdiction shall apply, subject to the limitations of this chapter, toall Indians and all Indian territory, country, lands or any portion thereof of the Indian bodyinvolved to the extent authorized by the resolution. Failure to issue the proclamation within thetime prescribed is considered a rejection of the assumption of jurisdiction.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 241, 1992 General Session