9-9-207. Retrocession of state jurisdiction -- Proclamation by governor. (1) The state of Utah hereby obligates and binds itself to retrocede all or any measure ofthe criminal or civil jurisdiction acquired by it pursuant to this chapter whenever the governorreceives a resolution from a majority of any tribe, tribal council, or other governing body dulyrecognized by the Bureau of Indian Affairs of any Indian tribe, community, band or group in thisstate, certifying the results of a special election and expressly requesting the state to retrocedejurisdiction over its people or lands or any portion thereof within the limits authorized by the Actof Congress of April 11, 1968, 82 Stat., 78-80 (Public Law 284, 90th Congress).
(2) The governor shall issue within 60 days a proclamation to the effect that jurisdictionhas been retroceded for all these Indians and all Indian territory, country, lands or any portionthereof.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 241, 1992 General Session