9-10-108. Deposits into fund -- Unallocated balance nonlapsing. (1) (a) All money received under Section
59-5-116 shall be deposited in theRevitalization Fund provided that no business or activity fee or tax based on gross receipts hasbeen imposed by a county or the Tribe on oil and gas activities.
(b) (i) Nothing in this Subsection (1) prohibits a county from imposing a chargedescribed in Subsection (1)(a) with respect to any gathering, transmission, or local distributionpipeline in which the county owns an interest.
(ii) Nothing in this Subsection (1) prohibits the Tribe from imposing a charge describedin Subsection (1)(a) with respect to any gathering, transmission, or local distribution pipeline inwhich the Tribe owns an interest.
(2) Any unallocated balance in the fund at the end of each fiscal year shall be nonlapsing.
Amended by Chapter 13, 2004 General Session