10-2-112. Ballot used at the incorporation election. (1) The ballot at the incorporation election under Subsection
10-2-111(1) shall pose theincorporation question substantially as follows:
Shall the area described as (insert a description of the proposed city) be incorporated asthe city of (insert the proposed name of the proposed city)?
(2) The ballot shall provide a space for the voter to answer yes or no to the question inSubsection (1).
(3) (a) The ballot at the incorporation election shall also pose the question relating to theform of government substantially as follows:
If the above incorporation proposal passes, under what form of municipal governmentshall (insert the name of the proposed city) operate? Vote for one:
Five-member council form
Six-member council form
Five-member council-mayor form
Seven-member council-mayor form.
(b) The ballot shall provide a space for the voter to vote for one form of government.
(4) (a) The ballot at the incorporation election shall also pose the question of whether toelect city council members by district substantially as follows:
If the above incorporation proposal passes, shall members of the city council of (insert thename of the proposed city) be elected by district?
(b) The ballot shall provide a space for the voter to answer yes or no to the question inSubsection (4)(a).
Amended by Chapter 19, 2008 General Session