10-2-115. Notice of number of commission or council members to be elected and ofdistrict boundaries -- Declaration of candidacy for city office. (1) (a) Within 20 days of the county legislative body's receipt of the information underSubsection
10-2-114(1)(d), the county clerk shall publish, in accordance with Subsection (1)(b),notice containing:
(i) the number of commission or council members to be elected for the new city;
(ii) if some or all of the commission or council members are to be elected by district, adescription of the boundaries of those districts as designated by the petition sponsors underSubsection
(iii) information about the deadline for filing a declaration of candidacy for those seekingto become candidates for mayor or city commission or council; and
(iv) information about the length of the initial term of each of the city officers, asdetermined by the petition sponsors under Subsection
(b) The notice under Subsection (1)(a) shall be published:
(i) in a newspaper of general circulation within the future city at least once a week fortwo successive weeks; and
(ii) in accordance with Section
45-1-101 for two weeks.
(c) (i) In accordance with Subsection (1)(b)(i), if there is no newspaper of generalcirculation within the future city, the county clerk shall post at least one notice per 1,000population in conspicuous places within the future city that are most likely to give notice to theresidents of the future city.
(ii) The notice under Subsection (1)(c)(i) shall contain the information required underSubsection (1)(a).
(iii) The petition sponsors shall post the notices under Subsection (1)(c)(i) at least sevendays before the deadline for filing a declaration of candidacy under Subsection (2).
(2) Notwithstanding Subsection
20A-9-203(2)(a), each person seeking to become acandidate for mayor or city commission or council of a city incorporating under this part shall,within 45 days of the incorporation election under Section
10-2-111, file a declaration ofcandidacy with the clerk of the county in which the future city is located.
Amended by Chapter 388, 2009 General Session