10-2-608. Contents of notice. The notice required in the preceding section shall contain a summary of: (1) the contentsof the resolutions or petitions for consolidation; (2) the consolidation plan; (3) where theresolutions or petitions and consolidation plan can be found; (4) the time and place where publichearings on the question of consolidation will be held and shall state that any interested personmay be heard on the question of consolidation and on the plan for consolidation; (5) a descriptionof the territory and the names of the municipalities which will be included within the proposedconsolidated municipality which descriptions may be by any means which describe the territoriesinvolved; (6) the time and place or places at which the election for consolidation shall be held;and (7) the form of the ballot to be used in the election to determine the question of consolidationwhich shall read substantially as follows:
Shall the municipality of ________
be consolidated with the
municipality (or municipalities) of ________
The voters shall mark their ballots with a cross (x) opposite the words "yes" or "no."
Enacted by Chapter 48, 1977 General Session