10-2-610. Canvass of election -- Notice of results -- Filing of notice and plat --Recording requirements. (1) The legislative body of each county in which a proposed consolidating municipalityis located shall canvass the results of the election or elections in the same manner as for generalelections and shall certify the results of the election to the county clerk or clerks.
(2) If a majority of the ballots cast at the election on consolidation in each municipalityare for consolidation, the county clerk or clerks shall immediately, on receiving notice of theresults of the canvass under Subsection (1), give notice of the result by publication in the samemanner and for the same time as provided in Section
(3) The mayors of the municipalities to be consolidated shall:
(a) within 30 days after the canvass of an election at which voters approve consolidation,file with the lieutenant governor:
(i) a copy of a notice of an impending boundary action, as defined in Section
67-1a-6.5,that meets the requirements of Subsection
67-1a-6.5(3); and
(ii) a copy of an approved final local entity plat, as defined in Section
67-1a-6.5; and
(b) upon the lieutenant governor's issuance of a certificate of consolidation under Section
(i) if the consolidated municipality is located within the boundary of a single county,submit to the recorder of that county the original:
(A) notice of an impending boundary action;
(B) certificate of consolidation; and
(C) approved final local entity plat; or
(ii) if the consolidated municipality is located within the boundaries of more than asingle county, submit the original of the documents listed in Subsections (3)(b)(i)(A), (B), and(C) to the recorder of one of those counties and a certified copy of those documents to therecorder of each other county.
Amended by Chapter 350, 2009 General Session