10-2-705. Judgment -- Determination of claims. The vote shall be taken and canvassed in the same manner as in other municipal elections,and return thereof made to the district court. If the district court finds that a majority of the votescast favored dissolution, a judgment shall be entered approving the dissolution of themunicipality and, upon dissolution, the corporate powers of such municipality shall cease, andthe court shall cause notice to be given in a manner to be prescribed by it, requiring all claimsagainst the municipality to be filed in the court within a time fixed in the notice, not exceedingsix months, and all claims not so filed shall be forever barred. At the expiration of the time sofixed the court shall adjudicate claims so filed, which shall be treated as denied, and any citizenof the municipality at the time the vote was taken may appear and defend against any claim sofiled, or the court may in its discretion appoint some person for that purpose.
Amended by Chapter 350, 2009 General Session