10-3-819. Bonds required. The elected officers of each municipality and the treasurer in cities of the first and secondclass before taking office shall execute a bond with good and sufficient sureties, payable to themunicipality in such amounts as are herein provided, conditioned for the faithful performance ofthe duties of the respective officers and the payment of all money received by such officeraccording to law and the ordinances of the municipality. All other officers of any municipalitymay, by resolution or ordinance, be required to furnish a personal bond with good and sufficientsureties or corporate surety bond payable to the municipality in such penal sum as the resolutionor ordinance may establish, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of their officeand the payment of all money received by such officers according to law and the ordinances ofthe municipality, or such officers may be included within public employee blanket bonds at suchamounts as may be determined by the governing body.
Amended by Chapter 92, 1987 General Session