10-6-111. Tentative budget to be prepared -- Contents -- Estimate of expenditures-- Budget message -- Review by governing body. (1) (a) On or before the first regularly scheduled meeting of the governing body in thelast May of the current period, the budget officer shall prepare for the ensuing fiscal period, onforms provided by the state auditor, and file with the governing body, a tentative budget for eachfund for which a budget is required.
(b) The tentative budget of each fund shall set forth in tabular form:
(i) the actual revenues and expenditures in the last completed fiscal period;
(ii) the budget estimates for the current fiscal period;
(iii) the actual revenues and expenditures for a period of 6 to 21 months, as appropriate,of the current fiscal period;
(iv) the estimated total revenues and expenditures for the current fiscal period;
(v) the budget officer's estimates of revenues and expenditures for the budget period,computed as provided in Subsection (1)(c); and
(vi) if the governing body elects, the actual performance experience to the extentestablished by Section
10-6-154 and available in work units, unit costs, man hours, or man yearsfor each budgeted fund on an actual basis for the last completed fiscal period, and estimated forthe current fiscal period and for the ensuing budget period.
(c) (i) In making estimates of revenues and expenditures under Subsection (1)(b)(v), thebudget officer shall estimate:
(A) on the basis of demonstrated need, the expenditures for the budget period, after:
(I) hearing each department head; and
(II) reviewing the budget requests and estimates of the department heads; and
(B) (I) the amount of revenue available to serve the needs of each fund;
(II) the portion of revenue to be derived from all sources other than general propertytaxes; and
(III) the portion of revenue that shall be derived from general property taxes.
(ii) The budget officer may revise any department's estimate under Subsection(1)(c)(i)(A)(II) that the officer considers advisable for the purpose of presenting the budget to thegoverning body.
(iii) From the estimate made under Subsection (1)(c)(i)(B)(III), the budget officer shallcompute and disclose in the budget the lowest rate of property tax levy that will raise the requiredamount of revenue, calculating the levy upon the latest taxable value.
(2) (a) Each tentative budget, when filed by the budget officer with the governing body,shall contain the estimates of expenditures submitted by department heads, together with specificwork programs and such other supporting data as this chapter requires or the governing body mayrequest. Each city of the first or second class shall, and a city of the third, fourth, or fifth classmay, submit a supplementary estimate of all capital projects which each department headbelieves should be undertaken within the next three succeeding years.
(b) Each tentative budget submitted by the budget officer to the governing body shall beaccompanied by a budget message, which shall explain the budget, contain an outline of theproposed financial policies of the city for the budget period, and shall describe the importantfeatures of the budgetary plan. It shall set forth the reasons for salient changes from the previousfiscal period in appropriation and revenue items and shall explain any major changes in financialpolicy.
(3) Each tentative budget shall be reviewed, considered, and tentatively adopted by thegoverning body in any regular meeting or special meeting called for the purpose and may beamended or revised in such manner as is considered advisable prior to public hearings, exceptthat no appropriation required for debt retirement and interest or reduction of any existingdeficits pursuant to Section
10-6-117, or otherwise required by law or ordinance, may be reducedbelow the minimums so required.
(4) (a) If the municipality is acting pursuant to Section
10-2-120, the tentative budgetshall:
(i) be submitted to the governing body-elect as soon as practicable; and
(ii) cover each fund for which a budget is required from the date of incorporation to theend of the fiscal year.
(b) The governing body shall substantially comply with all other provisions of thischapter, and the budget shall be passed upon incorporation.
Amended by Chapter 378, 2010 General Session