10-7-14.1. Declaration of public policy. Whereas, the purification of drinking water and the treatment of raw sewage are importantto public health and welfare and create an unusual need for money with which to create properfacilities for the protection of the people of the state of Utah, it is hereby declared to be the publicpolicy of this state to grant the privilege to municipalities to raise funds to improve theaforementioned health standards, to encourage the municipalities to provide that no waste shall bedischarged into any waters of the state of Utah without first being given proper treatment, toprovide for the treatment of water to be used for drinking purposes to protect the health of thecitizens and to give municipalities the discretion to determine the priority of development of thefacilities directed toward the elimination of health hazards and pollution of public waters. Theconstruction of the facilities herein mentioned shall be given an early priority in those areas wherethe present welfare of the people is endangered by the lack of such facilities.
Amended by Chapter 3, 1953 Special Session 1