10-7-14.2. Special tax -- Grant of power to levy. There is granted to the municipalities of the state not in an improvement district createdfor the purpose of establishing and maintaining a sewage collection, treatment, or disposalsystem or a system for the supply, treatment, or distribution of water pursuant to the provisions ofTitle 17B, Chapter 2a, Part 4, Improvement District Act, in addition to all other rights ofassessment, the right to levy a tax annually not to exceed .0008 per dollar of taxable value oftaxable property in the municipality. The money raised by the levy shall be placed in a specialfund and used only for the purpose of financing the construction of facilities to purify thedrinking water of the municipality and the construction of facilities for the treatment and disposalof the sewage of the municipality, or to pay principal and interest on bonds issued for theconstruction of facilities if construction has actually commenced subsequent to the enactment ofthis statute. The municipality may accumulate from year to year and reserve in the special fundthe money raised for this purpose. The levy shall be made and collected in the same manner asother property taxes are levied and collected by municipalities.
Amended by Chapter 329, 2007 General Session