10-7-30. Failure to pay for repairs -- Lien on company's property. In the event of the refusal of any such company to pave, repave or repair as requiredherein when so directed, upon the paving or repaving of any street upon which its track is laid, themunicipality shall have power to pave, repave or repair the same, and the cost and expense ofsuch paving, repaving or repairing may be collected by levy and sale of any property of suchcompany in the same manner as special taxes are now or may be collected. Special taxes for thepurpose of paying the cost of any such paving or repaving, macadamizing or repairing of anysuch railway may be levied upon the track, including the ties, iron, roadbed, right of way,sidetracks and appurtenances, and buildings and real estate belonging to any such company andused for the purpose of such railway business all as one property, or upon such parts of suchtrack, appurtenances and property as may be within the district paved, repaved, macadamized orrepaired, and shall be a lien upon the property levied upon from the time of the levy untilsatisfied. No mortgage, conveyance, pledge, transfer or encumbrance of any such property or ofany rolling stock or personal property of any such company, created or suffered by it after thetime when any street or part thereof upon which any railway shall have been laid shall have beenordered paved, repaved, macadamized or repaired shall be made or suffered except subject to thelien of such special taxes, if such levy is in contemplation.
No Change Since 1953