10-8-14. Water, sewer, gas, electricity, and public transportation -- Service beyondcity limits -- Retainage -- Cable television and public telecommunications services. (1) A city may:
(a) construct, maintain, and operate waterworks, sewer collection, sewer treatmentsystems, gas works, electric light works, telecommunications lines, cable television lines, orpublic transportation systems;
(b) authorize the construction, maintenance and operation of the works or systems listedin Subsection (1)(a) by others;
(c) purchase or lease the works or systems listed in Subsection (1)(a) from any person orcorporation; and
(d) sell and deliver the surplus product or service capacity of any works or system listedin Subsection (1)(a), not required by the city or the city's inhabitants, to others beyond the limitsof the city, except the sale and delivery of cable television services or public telecommunicationsservices is governed by Subsection (3).
(2) If any payment on a contract with a private person, firm, or corporation to constructwaterworks, sewer collection, sewer treatment systems, gas works, electric light works,telecommunications lines, cable television lines, or public transportation systems is retained orwithheld, it shall be retained or withheld and released as provided in Section
(3) A city's actions under this section related to works or systems involving publictelecommunications services or cable television services are subject to the requirements ofChapter 18, Municipal Cable Television and Public Telecommunications Services Act.
Amended by Chapter 83, 2001 General Session