10-8-15. Waterworks -- Construction -- Extraterritorial jurisdiction. They may construct or authorize the construction of waterworks within or without the citylimits, and for the purpose of maintaining and protecting the same from injury and the water frompollution their jurisdiction shall extend over the territory occupied by such works, and over allreservoirs, streams, canals, ditches, pipes and drains used in and necessary for the construction,maintenance and operation of the same, and over the stream or source from which the water istaken, for 15 miles above the point from which it is taken and for a distance of 300 feet on eachside of such stream and over highways along such stream or watercourse within said 15 milesand said 300 feet; provided, that the jurisdiction of cities of the first class shall be over the entirewatershed, except that livestock shall be permitted to graze beyond one thousand feet from anysuch stream or source; and provided further, that each city of the first class shall provide ahighway in and through its corporate limits, and so far as its jurisdiction extends, which may notbe closed to cattle, horses, sheep or hogs driven through any such city, or through any territoryadjacent thereto over which such city has jurisdiction, but the board of commissioners of suchcity may enact ordinances placing under police regulations the manner of driving such cattle,sheep, horses and hogs through such city, or any territory adjacent thereto over which it hasjurisdiction. They may enact all ordinances and regulations necessary to carry the power hereinconferred into effect, and are authorized and empowered to enact ordinances preventing pollutionor contamination of the streams or watercourses from which the inhabitants of cities derive theirwater supply, in whole or in part, for domestic and culinary purposes, and may enact ordinancesprohibiting or regulating the construction or maintenance of any closet, privy, outhouse or urinalwithin the area over which the city has jurisdiction, and provide for permits for the constructionand maintenance of the same. In granting such permits they may annex thereto such reasonableconditions and requirements for the protection of the public health as they deem proper, and may,if deemed advisable, require that all closets, privies and urinals along such streams shall beprovided with effective septic tanks or other germ-destroying instrumentalities.
Amended by Chapter 378, 2010 General Session