10-8-17. City may act as distributing agent -- Collection of operating costs fromusers. When the governing body of a city is acting as distributing agent of water, not theproperty of the corporation, outside of or within its corporate limits, the governing body mayannually prior to the commencement of the irrigation season determine and fix the sum deemednecessary to meet the expense of the current year for the purpose of controlling, regulating anddistributing such water and constructing and keeping in repair the necessary means for diverting,conveying and distributing the same, and they may collect such sum from the persons entitled tothe use of such water, pro rata according to acreage, whether the acreage is situate within orwithout the corporate boundary of the city; provided, that the funds so derived may not beappropriated or used for any other purpose, and in the event that a greater sum is collected in anyone year than is necessary for said purpose, the excess thereof shall be carried to the account ofthe year next following and applied to the purpose for which it was collected. Such sum shall befixed and collected as provided by ordinance, and until collected the same shall be a lien on suchwater rights and the land irrigated thereby.
Amended by Chapter 378, 2010 General Session