10-8-19. Water supply -- Special tax for increasing supply when city acting asdistributing agent. Whenever a city is acting as distributing agent of water, not the property of thecorporation, outside of or within the corporate limits of such city, upon written petition of theowners of such water, it may increase the supply of water owned by such persons by any meansprovided in Section
10-8-18, and for that purpose may levy and collect from the owners of suchwater a tax not exceeding such sum per acre of land owned by such persons as may have beenagreed upon and designated in said petition; said tax when so collected to be appropriatedexclusively to said purposes, except such part thereof as is necessary to pay the expense oflevying and collecting the same. Said tax shall constitute a lien upon the water rights of thepersons and the land irrigated thereby, and shall be levied and collected as provided in Section
No Change Since 1953