10-8-47. Intoxication -- Fights -- Disorderly conduct -- Assault and battery -- Petitlarceny -- Riots and disorderly assemblies -- Firearms and fireworks -- False pretenses andembezzlement -- Sale of liquor, narcotics or tobacco to minors -- Possession of controlledsubstances -- Treatment of alcoholics and narcotics or drug addicts. They may prevent intoxication, fighting, quarreling, dog fights, cockfights, prize fights,bullfights, and all disorderly conduct and provide against and punish the offenses of assault andbattery and petit larceny; they may restrain riots, routs, noises, disturbances or disorderlyassemblies in any street, house or place in the city; they may regulate and prevent the dischargeof firearms, rockets, powder, fireworks or any other dangerous or combustible material; they mayprovide against and prevent the offense of obtaining money or property under false pretenses andthe offense of embezzling money or property in all cases where the money or property embezzledor obtained under false pretenses does not exceed in value the sum of $100 and may prohibit thesale, giving away or furnishing of intoxicating liquors or narcotics, or of tobacco to any personunder 21 years of age; cities may, by ordinance, prohibit the possession of controlled substancesas defined in the Utah Controlled Substances Act, provided the conduct is not a class Amisdemeanor or felony, and provide for treatment of alcoholics, narcotic addicts and otherpersons who are addicted to the use of drugs or intoxicants such that they substantially lack thecapacity to control their use of the drugs or intoxicants, and judicial supervision may be imposedas a means of effecting their rehabilitation.
Amended by Chapter 50, 1981 General Session