10-9a-603. Plat required when land is subdivided -- Approval of plat -- Owneracknowledgment, surveyor certification, and underground utility facilities owner approvalof plat -- Recording plat. (1) Unless exempt under Section
10-9a-605 or excluded from the definition ofsubdivision under Section
10-9a-103, whenever any land is laid out and platted, the owner of theland shall provide an accurate plat that describes or specifies:
(a) a subdivision name that is distinct from any subdivision name on a plat recorded inthe county recorder's office;
(b) the boundaries, course, and dimensions of all of the parcels of ground divided, bytheir boundaries, course, and extent, whether the owner proposes that any parcel of ground isintended to be used as a street or for any other public use, and whether any such area is reservedor proposed for dedication for a public purpose;
(c) the lot or unit reference, block or building reference, street or site address, street nameor coordinate address, acreage or square footage for all parcels, units, or lots, and length andwidth of the blocks and lots intended for sale; and
(d) every existing right-of-way and easement grant of record for underground facilities,as defined in Section
54-8a-2, and for other utility facilities.
(2) (a) Subject to Subsections (3), (4), and (5), if the plat conforms to the municipality'sordinances and this part and has been approved by the culinary water authority and the sanitarysewer authority, the municipality shall approve the plat.
(b) Municipalities are encouraged to receive a recommendation from the fire authoritybefore approving a plat.
(3) The municipality may withhold an otherwise valid plat approval until the owner ofthe land provides the legislative body with a tax clearance indicating that all taxes, interest, andpenalties owing on the land have been paid.
(4) (a) A plat may not be submitted to a county recorder for recording unless:
(i) prior to recordation, each owner of record of land described on the plat has signed theowner's dedication as shown on the plat; and
(ii) the signature of each owner described in Subsection (4)(a)(i) is acknowledged asprovided by law.
(b) The surveyor making the plat shall certify that the surveyor:
(i) holds a license in accordance with Title 58, Chapter 22, Professional Engineers andProfessional Land Surveyors Licensing Act;
(ii) has completed a survey of the property described on the plat in accordance withSection
17-23-17 and has verified all measurements; and
(iii) has placed monuments as represented on the plat.
(c) (i) As applicable, the owner or operator of the underground and utility facilities shallapprove the:
(A) boundary, course, dimensions, and intended use of the right-of-way and easementgrants of record;
(B) location of existing underground and utility facilities; and
(C) conditions or restrictions governing the location of the facilities within theright-of-way, and easement grants of records, and utility facilities within the subdivision.
(ii) The approval of an owner or operator under Subsection (4)(c)(i):
(A) indicates only that the plat approximates the location of the existing underground and
utility facilities but does not warrant or verify their precise location; and
(B) does not affect a right that the owner or operator has under:
(I) Title 54, Chapter 8a, Damage to Underground Utility Facilities;
(II) a recorded easement or right-of-way;
(III) the law applicable to prescriptive rights; or
(IV) any other provision of law.
(5) (a) After the plat has been acknowledged, certified, and approved, the owner of theland shall, within the time period designated by ordinance, record the plat in the county recorder'soffice in the county in which the lands platted and laid out are situated.
(b) An owner's failure to record a plat within the time period designated by ordinancerenders the plat voidable.
Amended by Chapter 269, 2010 General Session
Amended by Chapter 381, 2010 General Session