10-18-101. Title -- Policy statement. (1) This chapter is known as the "Municipal Cable Television and PublicTelecommunications Services Act."
(2) The Legislature finds that it is the policy of this state to:
(a) ensure that cable television services and public telecommunications services areprovided through fair competition consistent with the federal Telecommunications Act of 1996,Pub. L. 104-104, in order to provide the widest possible diversity of information and newssources to the general public;
(b) advance the exercise of rights under the First Amendment of the Constitution of theUnited States;
(c) enhance the development and widespread use of technological advances in providingcable television services and public telecommunications services;
(d) encourage improved customer service of cable television services and publictelecommunications services at competitive rates;
(e) ensure that cable television services and public telecommunications services are eachprovided within a consistent, comprehensive, and nondiscriminatory federal, state, and localgovernment framework; and
(f) ensure that when a municipality provides to its inhabitants cable television services,public telecommunications services, or both, and competes with private providers whose activitiesare regulated by the municipality, the municipality does not discriminate against the competingproviders of the same services.
Enacted by Chapter 83, 2001 General Session