11-2-4. Number of members of board -- Selection -- Term. (1) A recreation board shall consist of between five and seven persons.
(2) (a) When established in a city of the first or second class two members shall beselected from the board of education of the school district therein, and when established in anycounty two members shall be appointed from the board of education of that county; provided, thatin counties having two or more school districts one member shall be appointed from each countyschool district therein.
(b) In any county having a regional service area and a recreation board consisting of morethan five members, one of the members shall be appointed from the regional service area.
(3) (a) The members of the board shall be appointed by the appointing authority of the county, municipality, school district, or regional service area and shall serve for a term of fiveyears and until their successors are appointed; and
(b) provided, that the members first appointed shall be appointed for such terms that theterm of one member will expire annually thereafter except that the terms of two members mayexpire during the same year when more than five members are appointed.
(4) Vacancies in a board occurring otherwise than by expiration of term shall be filled inthe same manner as original appointments for the unexpired term. The members of recreationboards shall serve without compensation.
Amended by Chapter 216, 1995 General Session