11-2-7. Expenses -- Payment of -- Authority to appropriate and tax -- Licensing oftelevision owners and users -- Collection of license fees. All expenses incurred in the equipment, operation and maintenance of such recreationalfacilities and activities shall be paid from the treasuries of the respective cities, towns, counties, orschool districts, and the governing bodies of the same may annually appropriate, and cause to beraised by taxation, money for such purposes. In areas so remote from regular transmission pointsof the large television stations that television reception is impossible without special equipmentand adequate, economical and proper television is not available to the public by private sources,said local authorities may also, by ordinance, license, for the purpose of raising revenue to equip,operate and maintain television transmission and relay facilities, all users or owners of televisionsets within the jurisdiction of said local authorities, and may provide for the collection of thelicense fees by suit or otherwise and may also enforce obedience to such ordinances with suchfine and imprisonment as the local authorities deem proper; provided that the punishment for anyviolation of such ordinances shall be by a fine not exceeding $50.00 or by imprisonment notexceeding one day for each $5.00 of said fine, if the fine is not paid.
Amended by Chapter 25, 1961 General Session
Amended by Chapter 30, 1961 General Session