11-7-1. Cooperation with other governmental units -- Burning permits --Contracts. (1) The governing body of every incorporated municipality and the board ofcommissioners of every county shall provide adequate fire protection within their own territoriallimits and shall cooperate with all contiguous counties, municipal corporations, privatecorporations, fire districts, or federal governmental agencies to maintain adequate fire protectionwithin their territorial limits.
(2) Every incorporated municipality and every county may:
(a) require that persons obtain a burning permit before starting a fire on any forest, brush,range, grass, grain, stubble, or hay land, except that a municipality or county may not require aburning permit for the burning of fence lines on cultivated lands, canals, or irrigation ditches,provided that the individual notifies the nearest fire department of the approximate time that theburning will occur;
(b) maintain and support a fire-fighting force or fire department for its own protection;
(c) contract to furnish fire protection to any proximate county, municipal corporation,private corporation, fire district, state agency, or federal agency;
(d) contract to receive fire protection from any contiguous county, municipal corporation,private corporation, fire district, state agency, or federal governmental agency;
(e) contract to jointly provide fire protection with any contiguous county, municipalcorporation, private corporation, fire district, state agency, or federal governmental agency; or
(f) contract to contribute toward the support of a fire-fighting force, or fire department inany contiguous county, municipal corporation, private corporation, fire district, state agency, orfederal governmental agency in return for fire protection.
Amended by Chapter 175, 1986 General Session