11-13-222. Officers and employees performing services under agreements. (1) Each officer and employee performing services for two or more public agenciesunder an agreement under this chapter shall be considered to be:
(a) an officer or employee of the public agency employing the officer or employee'sservices even though the officer or employee performs those functions outside of the territoriallimits of any one of the contracting public agencies; and
(b) an officer or employee of the public agencies under the provisions of Title 63G,Chapter 7, Governmental Immunity Act of Utah.
(2) Unless otherwise provided in an agreement that creates an interlocal entity, eachemployee of a public agency that is a party to the agreement shall:
(a) remain an employee of that public agency, even though assigned to perform servicesfor another public agency under the agreement; and
(b) continue to be governed by the rules, rights, entitlements, and status that apply to anemployee of that public agency.
(3) All of the privileges, immunities from liability, exemptions from laws, ordinances,and rules, pensions and relief, disability, workers compensation, and other benefits that apply toan officer, agent, or employee of a public agency while performing functions within the territoriallimits of the public agency apply to the same degree and extent when the officer, agent, oremployee performs functions or duties under the agreement outside the territorial limits of thatpublic agency.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session