11-13-303. Source of project entity's payment of sales and use tax -- Gross receiptstaxes for facilities providing additional project capacity. (1) A project entity is not exempt from sales and use taxes under Title 59, Chapter 12,Sales and Use Tax Act, to the extent provided in Subsection
(2) A project entity may make payments or prepayments of sales and use taxes, asprovided in Title 63M, Chapter 5, Resource Development, from the proceeds of revenue bondsissued under Section
11-13-218 or other revenues of the project entity.
(3) (a) This Subsection (3) applies with respect to facilities providing additional projectcapacity.
(b) (i) The in lieu excise tax imposed under Title 59, Chapter 8, Gross Receipts Tax onCertain Corporations Not Required to Pay Corporate Franchise or Income Tax Act, shall beimposed collectively on all gross receipts derived with respect to the ownership interests of allproject entities and other public agencies in facilities providing additional project capacity asthough all such ownership interests were held by a single project entity.
(ii) The in lieu excise tax shall be calculated as though the gross receipts derived withrespect to all such ownership interests were received by a single taxpayer that has no other grossreceipts.
(iii) The gross receipts attributable to such ownership interests shall consist solely ofgross receipts that are expended by each project entity and other public agency holding anownership interest in the facilities for the operation or maintenance of or ordinary repairs orreplacements to the facilities.
(iv) For purposes of calculating the in lieu excise tax, the determination of whether thereis a tax rate and, if so, what the tax rate is shall be governed by Section
59-8-104, except that the$10,000,000 figures in Section
59-8-104 indicating the amount of gross receipts that determinethe applicable tax rate shall be replaced with $5,000,000.
(c) Each project entity and public agency owning an interest in the facilities providingadditional project capacity shall be liable only for the portion of the gross receipts tax referred toin Subsection (3)(b) that is proportionate to its percentage ownership interest in the facilities andmay not be liable for any other gross receipts taxes with respect to its percentage ownershipinterest in the facilities.
(d) No project entity or other public agency that holds an ownership interest in thefacilities may be subject to the taxes imposed under Title 59, Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise andIncome Taxes, with respect to those facilities.
(4) For purposes of calculating the gross receipts tax imposed on a project entity or otherpublic agency under Title 59, Chapter 8, Gross Receipts Tax on Certain Corporations NotRequired to Pay Corporate Franchise or Income Tax Act, or Subsection (3), gross receiptsinclude only gross receipts from the first sale of capacity, services, or other benefits and do notinclude gross receipts from any subsequent sale, resale, or layoff of the capacity, services, orother benefits.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session