11-13-309. Venue for civil action -- No trial de novo. (1) Any civil action seeking to challenge, enforce, or otherwise have reviewed, any orderof the board, or any alleviation contract, shall be brought only in the district court for the countywithin which is located the candidate to which the order or contract pertains. If the candidate isthe state of Utah, the action shall be brought in the district court for Salt Lake County. Anyaction brought in any judicial district shall be ordered transferred to the court where venue isproper under this section.
(2) In any civil action seeking to challenge, enforce, or otherwise review, any order of theboard, a trial de novo may not be held. The matter shall be considered on the record compiledbefore the board, and the findings of fact made by the board may not be set aside by the districtcourt unless the board clearly abused its discretion.
Amended by Chapter 378, 2010 General Session