11-14-304. Facsimile signatures and facsimile seal, use permitted -- Validity ofsigned bonds. (1) If the use of a facsimile signature is authorized by the body empowered by law toauthorize the issuance of the bonds or other obligations of any agency, instrumentality, orinstitution of this state or of any municipal corporation, political subdivision, improvementdistrict, taxing district, or other governmental entity within the state, whether or not issued underthis chapter, any officer so authorized may execute, authenticate, certify, or endorse, or cause tobe executed, authenticated, certified, or endorsed the bond or other obligation, or any certificaterequired to be executed on the back thereof, with a facsimile signature in lieu of his manualsignature if at least one signature required or permitted to be placed on the face thereof shall bemanually subscribed. Upon compliance with this chapter by the authorized officer, his facsimilesignature has the same legal effect as his manual signature. When any seal is required in theexecution, authentication, certification, or endorsement of the bond or other obligation, or anycertificate required to be executed on the back thereof, the authorized officer may cause the sealto be printed, engraved, lithographed, stamped, or otherwise placed in facsimile thereon. Thefacsimile seal has the same legal effect as the impression of the seal.
(2) Bonds or other obligations bearing the signatures (manual or facsimile) of officers inoffice on the date of the execution thereof shall be valid and binding obligations notwithstandingthat before the delivery thereof any or all of the persons whose signatures appear thereon shallhave ceased to be officers of the local political subdivision.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 105, 2005 General Session